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Moises Levy Follows The Minimalist Photographic Pioneers

Moises Levy Follows The Minimalist Photographic Pioneers

Following his decision to become a qualified architect in his home area of Mexico City, Moises Levy began a second career as a minimalist photographer who has found fame around the world. The Mexican photographer is a difficult artist to pin down as he is willing to work in a range of different techniques and styles including both digital and traditional film photography. In order to create the stunning photographs which have garnered him worldwide attention, Levy admits to enjoying the use of his Hasselblad analog film equipment but is often frustrated by the processing process. Although he is a fan of long exposure techniques, Moises Levy also uses digital equipment to capture some of his iconic photography work.

Born in 1963, Moises Levy fell in love with photography as a 13-year-old during a family visit to New York City. As an architecture student in the early-1980s, Moises Levy began to explore the links between light and shadow he saw in his building design work on a regular basis in his photographic career. Moises Levy has worked across many different countries over the course of h9is career and believes the only way to build a successful artistic career is to work on a daily basis towards your goals. The relationship between time and space is one of the main themes of the work of Mioses Levy as he enjoys discovering isolated spaces where he can lose his sense of time and feel he is the only person in the world.

Learn more on Moises Levy’s website

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