Laura Heyman is an artist and curator who has exhibited at The Deutsch Polen Institute, Darmstadt, Germany, Ampersand International Arts, San Francisco, California, Light Work Gallery, Syracuse, New York, P.S. 122, New York, NY, Senko Studio, Viborg, Denmark, and The National Portrait Gallery, London, UK. Her work has been published in Contact Sheet, The Photo Review and Frontiers.
She is the recipient of a NYFA Strategic Opportunity Stipend and a Light Work Artist Grant. Her curatorial project, “Who’s Afraid of America” featured the work of Justyna Badach, Larry Clark, Cheryl Dunn, LaToya Ruby Frazier, Zoe Strauss and and Tobin Yelland, was exhibited at Wonderland Art Space, in Copenhagen, Denmark.
We particularly love her work “The Photographer’s Wife” which creates a narrative between the subject (played by Laura Heyman) and the unseen photographer (also Heyman) and turns the concept of the feminine muse on itself. Throughout the series, the tension lingers and the photographs feel both like spontaneous snapshots as well as carefully composed vignettes. To see more, visit her website.