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British Artist Jamie Wardley And Sand In Your Eye Create A Conceptual World War II Art Piece

British Artist Jamie Wardley And Sand In Your Eye Create A Conceptual World War II Art Piece

British Artist Jamie Wardley And Sand In Your Eye Create A Conceptual World War II Art Piece

Sand sculptures are often quirky and difficult to define, but the British artistic team, Sand in your Eye are changing this with their thought-provoking conceptual art pieces. Headed by artist, Jamie Wardley the group moved to a prominent position in the British and global art world because of their innovative “9,000 Fallen” piece. The group, which specializes in sand and ice sculptures created a large-scale artwork on the beaches of Normandy, France to commemorate the landing of Allied Forces on D.Day.

Jamie Wardley was first involved in the sand sculpture sector when he was a teenager and traveling with his family in Norway. On the beaches of a Norwegian fjord, Wardley found himself intrigued by the work of a local sand artist who created sculptures of Darth Vader and Mr. Bean. The founding member of Sand in your Eye is now one of the most respected sand sculptors in the world and now works with a small team to create artistic pieces around the world.

The idea behind the “9,000 Fallen” conceptual art piece was to allow viewers to gain some sense of the vast number of people killed on the beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944. For Jamie Wardley and Sand in your Eye, the work took place with the aid of hundreds of volunteers armed with rakes and stencils used to create a piece of art visible from above.

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