British artist Kate MccGwire put together a vibrant sculpture collection titled “Feathers”. The vivid artwork captures a smooth texture across the feathers of the winged creatures we would see soaring through the sky. The artwork is pieced together with feather droppings collected by farmers, gamekeepers, and pigeon racers.
Various type of feathers such as pheasant, rooster, and magpie are sectioned off in sealants such as cabinets and domes. The feathers are so exotic that you can nearly get the feel through the picture. The wings are twisted into spiral positions that allows different angles from each twist and turn. The colors white, blue, forest green, black, and more represents that wings that were once attached to birds.
These art pieces is representation of how Kate MccGwire stepped outside of normal boundaries to bring out a unique exhibition. The physical construction of the art piece is one that doesn’t gather much appreciation across the art world. Kate paved her own way in her respected right in this piece.
How many art pieces can you name made out of real feathers? Observing the feathered imagery given off by Kate makes you wanders the structure in curiosity. The sculptures were made in a 10-year time frame from 2008 to 2018. Throughout those 10 years, the British artist remained consistent throughout her design vision. These sculptures represents timeless art. It’s hard to distinguish the fact the the first and last sculpture was made ten years apart.

Learn more on Kate MccGwire’s website